And think about how AWS removes the OpEx and CapEx burdens.
Click and drag for hints: Each answer is either CapEx or OpExHere are some morepractice exam questions for the AWS Practitioner Cert. Want to get AWS Practitioner certified? Start here..
This AWS practice exam will test you on Practitioner Exam objectives 1.2 and 1.3 on Cloud economics, TCO and architecture design patterns.
Here are 10 sample AWS Cloud Practitioner exam questions on objective 1.1, dealing with Cloud Concepts, AWS business value and the benefits of cloud computing.
AWS Practice Exam Two for people who want to pass the Amazon Practitioner Certification on the first try.
Here are some practice, AWS exam questions. Want to get AWS Practitioner certified? Start here.
Want a challenge? Try out this mock AWS Exam practice test!
Here are some practice, AWS exam questions. Want to get AWS Practitioner certified? Start here..
I'm just testing out my ReactJS application. Want to give it a try? Then take this short mock exam.
These AWS practitioner exam flashcards test you on your knowledge of the AWS responsibility model. Whose responsibilty is cloud infrastructure, anyways?
This is the second drag-and-drop exercise that tests you on your understanding of Amazon's responsibility model for cloud computing.
A fun way to learn the difference between OpEx and CapEx for the AWS practioner exam.
Learn sections 1.2 & 1.3 of the AWS Practitioner Exam with these AWS Flashcards on cloud economics, AWS design principles.
These AWS flashcards test you on section 1.1 of the AWS practitioner exam, namely the AWS Cloud and its value proposition.
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