Delete an Amazon S3 Bucket

Delete and Amazon S3 Bucket
AWS Video Tutorial

Delete and Amazon S3 Bucket

S3 Bucket Deletion Steps

Here's a quick video I put together on how to delete and Amazon S3 bucket. This is just a simple example where I use the AWS Management Console. The steps? 1. Open the S3 Bucket in the AWS Console 2. Delete Any files inside the S3 Bucket 3. Confirm each file deletion by typing permanently delete 4. Delete the S3 bucket 5. Confirm deletion by typing in the name of the S3 bucket.

Amazon Cloud Storage

It's really not that complicated. If you have millions of files in S3 you can't delete the bucket manually. You'd need to do that through an AWS policy. And even then, there's a chance your token will time out, in which case you'd need to need a Java, JavaScript or Python script to keep the process alive. It you have a lot of files in S3, the process can even take days to remove them all. That Amazon S3 tutorial on how to delete millions of files from an S3 bucket will have to wait for another day.

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